
May 18, 2004

Stalin like Josef 

I've always wanted to write a book about procrastination techniques, but, somehow, I never get around to it. Yesterday was a shining exemplar of non-productivity for me. Here's how it happened (or didn't):

The fiancee gets a raise. (Translated: she's moving up in the world, and one person in the family making progress is enough for one day. So, I'll watch TV.)

I agreed to go with a friend to purchase a new laptop. (Translated: I only have 90 minutes until she is supposed to pick me up, I don't want to get on a roll and have to stop in the middle of something. So, I'll watch TV.)

The fiancee just got home from work. (Translated: Since I started school, I haven't spent enough quality time with her. So, we'll watch TV.)

It's 9pm. (Translated: It's too late to get anything done. Plus, The Inferno finale is going to be on soon. So, I'll watch TV.)

The above techniques worked like a charm and I accomplished absolutely nothing yesterday. Today, the procrastination begins with a decision to review the Bluebook exam to ensure I made no silly mistakes and to write Personal Statements for the four journals that require them. It all has to be done, right? This counts as work, right? I'll start the real paper when I'm done, right?