
May 19, 2004


I managed to clock a full day (9-7, with about two hours of lollygagging dispersed throughout the day) on the Write-on today. I feel as though I finally made some progress and will hopefully have a workable version ready by tomorrow night, leaving me 3 full days to obsess, revise, cite check, and obsess some more.

This competition has really become a thorn in my side and it took a lot of discipline to avoid procrastinating one more day. For me, the more important something is, and the more I remind myself exactly how important something is, the longer I put it off. To combat this tendency, I decided today that journals suck and I don't want to be on one anyway. Here's hoping this technique will help keep me motivated again tomorrow.

The Kings are on tonight and KG has vowed to bring out the big guns (what an idiot). You should watch.