
May 14, 2004

Right On! 

Play time is over, the Write-On has begun. I printed out the materials on campus yesterday (all 400+ pages of them) and am planning to begin sifting through it all today. Fun stuff. I can truly think of nothing I would rather be doing right now except for, oh, about a thousand different things! Oh well, it will be over soon.

I'm hoping the sheer size of the reader will turn some people off or prevent them from giving it the attention it requires (last year, I'm told the reader was only about 250 pages or so; and the Moot Court packet this year was roughly half the size, yet still seemed to cause about a 50% attrition rate, though I'd be surprised to see that many casualties here). Time will tell, I guess. In the meantime, all I can do is give it my best shot.

BTW, does anyone know exactly where the $10K they collect in Write-On fees goes? Just curious...