
April 11, 2004

Wholly Unsubstantiated Rumor 

Prof Crim is on the short list for the High Court if a Democrat takes over the White House. Or so some members of the 1L Smoking (tobacco) Circle claim. While I tend to trust people with cigarettes in their mouths, I have nothing else by which to judge the veracity of this claim. Here's hoping...

It seems plausible, I suppose. Prof Crim is brilliant. His left leg is definitely shorter than his right. He's represented some of the "highest ups" in the Democratic Party at the highest levels of litigation. He's hilarious (though I'm not sure that's a prereq for a nomination). He has the degrees from the right schools.

I certainly hope it's true. Of all the potential candidates I can think of, he is by far the most likely to lay down a "Dubitante" opinion...