
April 21, 2004

The Good and Bad of It 

The Good:
I was selected as a Law Fellow for next year. Now, the eager minds of 15 1L's will be in my hands for an hour a week. Scary.

I had my last Property and Ethics classes today. I must say those two classes, basically back-to-back pushed me to brink of insanity this semester. The former because of the (in my opinion) wholly uninteresting subject matter, the professor's lulling voice, and the routinely hot temperature of the room. The latter because of the hippies.

The Bad:
The final few classes in Civ Pro and Prop have cemented the fact that, at this point, I am woefully unprepared for exams. On the plus side, there's still plenty of time...


Finalize next year's schedule
Do the last of my Crim reading
Watch the OC