
March 14, 2004

Cruel and Unusual 

Note to Self: Don't wait until the last day of Spring Break to start your reading assignments!

I awoke this morning with grand plans of hyper-productivity. I was going to do my reading, finish my law fellow application, work on my outlines, and still have enough time to watch my beloved Kings on the tube.

But, there's nothing like 40 pages of Property reading to drain me of all motivation qnd destroy what little joy I had left on the final day of Spring Break. I typically don't complain about my reading assignments. I'm a 1L. This is law school. It's not supposed to be fun. But, 40 pages of easements and the simply fascinating complexities of their creation, scope, and function is more than I care to endure.

But, endure it I must.

On the plus side, in the midst of the torturous assigment, I was able to read about Stevens v. City of Cannon Beach, 854 P.2d 449 (1993). Cannon Beach is an absolutely lovely village on the Oregon Coast, where I spent many a childhood day finding sand dollars on the beach and exploring tide pools. It is also where various scenes from The Goonies were filmed. Plus, there is a great bookstore, which I will someday own (when this law thing doesn't work out or pays me enough to retire early). I highly recommend a visit.