
March 30, 2004

Am I done? 

So, my LRW take-home final is technically complete. I could go turn it in to the Registrar this afternoon and avoid tomorrow's torturous spectacle of inefficiency that is the designated hand-in time, but I can't. I am held hostage by two of my more overbearing character traits:

1) I am lazy. Real lazy. To turn it in this afternoon would require a shower or, at the bare minimum, changing out of the comfy fleece sweatpants I've been wearing since I started working on the final, five days ago. I'd also have to comb my hair and put on real shoes. Not to mention the fact that the fiancee has the car, so I'd have to endure the 90-minute Metro roundtrip. I can't do it.

2) What does "done" mean, anyway? My OCD simply prevents me from being "done" until I absolutely have to actually be done (when I leave the house tomorrow morning). There's 17 hours till then. I can't help but read through my paper about 100 more times before then. What if there's a missing comma or I forgot to close a quote? What if a pinpoint cite refers to the wrong page? What if there's only one space after a period instead of two? What if, what if, what if?

And so it is. I am powerless. I will have to turn it in tomorrow. In the meantime, I look forward to driving myself insane with eye-blurring, perpetual, and, ultimately, inconsequential revisions. That's just who I am.